Alice Bow and the Dancers

Whilst English men's shoes are world renown for their quality, women's shoemaking is less well known.
Alice Bow is based in east London, the traditional heart of English women's shoemaking - and most especially dance shoes. Freed, who supply the Royal Ballet and other top dance companies around the world, is literally a hop-and-skip from Alice Bow HQ. Founded in 1899 they are the longest continually operating maker of dance shoes in east London, and have been supplying the Royal Academy of Dance since 1936.
Our fabulous "clicker" (leather cutter) Bob who works with both Freed and ourselves dropped us a little note. "Would we like some lovely leather?" It turns out Freed has just received some gorgeous shimmering chestnut leather, but sadly the colour didn't quite match the other leathers for a set of dance shoes they were producing. Bob wondered if we might be able to give it a home...

Down to Freed we popped and the chestnut shimmer leather was just divine! Perfect for Alice Bow insoles to make you feel as light underfoot as a twinkly toed dancer!
And so here we are with a special treat. Alice Bows made from leather destined for the dance.